



    金4项。主持国家留学基金委、吉林省科技项目3项, 参与多项部级科研课题。正规赌博平台在国内外











    2006/09-今 吉林大学正规赌博平台正规赌博平台教育部重点实验室,教授/硕导

    1998/09-2006/08 吉林大学机械科学与正规赌博平台学院,副教授/硕导

    2000/10-2002/10 日本筑波大学,博士后


    1986/09-1989/06 原吉林大学,数学研究所,硕士






    1.沙漠蜥蜴体表分层结构抗冲蚀磨损应力波传播规律研究,20150101020JC, 吉林省科技厅,2015.01-2017.12,10万元,正规赌博平台在研,负责人。

    3. 大型复杂结构拓扑修改理论,5万,吉林省科技厅青年基金研究项目,1998.7-2000.9.

    4. 三维热流体计算有限元理论和方法的研究,4万,教育部留学基金委,2004.4-2007.4.




    2. 基于形态、弹性二元动态耦合正规赌博平台功能表面减阻研究国家自然科学基金青年基金,51105168,2012.01-2014.1225万,已结题,主要参加人3. 随机优化参数结构的优化设计理论与方法,原机械部教育司,主要参加人,1994.1-1995.12.

    4. 结构动态设计修改商品化软件开发,吉林省科技厅,主要参加人,1995-1997.



    1. Ping Liang, Yibo Xu, Wenmo Li and Luquan RenThe simulation and analysis of erosion to a layered structure of a single particle3rd Annual International Conference on Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering,Chengdu,China,2016.

    2. Ping Liang Yu-Hang Zhang, Yan Liu Lu-Quan Ren,  Horse Leg Mechanics and Numerical Simulation Analysis, 2015 International Conference on Mechanics, Building Material and Civil Engineering(2015).

    3. Ping, Liang, Yuhang Zhang, Yan Liu, Yibo, Xu, Luquan Ren, Jumping Device Design and Analysis Based on Locusts Jumping Principle, 2015 International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Automation(2015).

    4. Ping Liang, Yuhang Zhang, Jun Wei,, Bing Yu, A New Method for Computing Eigenpairs of a Finite Element Structure, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 590 (2014) pp 672-6766.

    5. 葛长江,葛美辰,梁平,张志辉,任露泉,正规赌博平台缝翼的增升作用,吉林大学学报(工学版),Vol.44,No.2(2014).

    6. GE Changjiang, ZhangZhihui, Liang Ping, Zhang Chengchun & Ren Luquan. Prediction and control of trailing edge noise based on bionic airfoil,SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, Vol. 57 , No.7: 1462–1470(2014).

    7. 葛长江,葛美辰,梁平,张志辉,任露泉基于鸮翼的正规赌博平台翼型噪声机理研究,农业机械学报,Vol. 44,增刊,2013.

    8. Changjiang Ge, Luquan Ren, Ping Liang, Chengchun Zhang, Zhihui Zhang, High-Lift Effect of Bionic Slat Based on Owl Wing, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 10(4), PP456-463,2013

    9. Ping Liang, Qiang Zhang,and Jun Wei, A new method of sensitive analysis based on the weighted inverse topological change method,Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 204-208 (2012) pp 4900-4903.

    10. Ping Liang, Jing Wei, The Reanalysis Method of Weighted Generalized Inverse for Topological  Modification of Plane Structures, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 138-139 (2012) pp 510-515.

    11. Liang Ping, Yan Nan, The Inverse Proplem of Linear Programming  in Enterprise Management Innovations, International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE 2010)(EI)

    12. Liang Ping, A New Method for Achieving a Basic Feasible Solution of a Linear Programming,International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE 2010),(EI)

    13. 梁平,张相斌,王海娇,阎楠,避免引入人工变量求线性规划可行基的一个新方法,数学的实践与认识,Vol.39, No.10(2009).

    14. 梁平,张旭利,徐涛,刚架结构拓扑修改的加权广义逆方法,吉林大学学报(工学版)吉林大学学报(工学版)38(6)(2008.11)(EI.

    15. Liang Ping, Sun Yan-hua, Wei De-bin, Zhang Xiang-bin, A method for achieving an initial regular solution of a linear programming, Northeast Math.J (东北数学英文版)24(1),31-34(2008).

    16. Liang Ping, Zhang Xu-li, Zhang Xiang-bin, Two-phase method without any artificial variable, Northeast Math.J (东北数学英文版)24(5),395-398(2008).

    17. Liang Ping, Zhang Xiang Bin, Lei Hai Min, Two algorithms for a linear programming problem, Proceedings of the second international conference on intelegent information management systems and technology, Vol. II. pp218-220(2007.10)..(ISTP

    18. 梁平,雷海民,企业DNA理论模型的构造准则,全国商情.经济理论研究,2008.

    19. Liang Ping ,Lei Hai-min, The Method of Inner-point of the Interface for A Linear Programming, Int.J. Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Third International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control 2008 June(2008) . (EI)

    20. Lei Hai Min, Liang Ping, Molecular Structure and Information Complexity of Social Organization DNA, Int. J. Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Third International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control(2008.6) .EI

    21. 梁平,徐涛,左文杰,计算有限元结构特征值的D值迭代法,吉林大学学报(工学版),Vol.37,No.6(2007.11.(EI)

    22. 梁平,王树范,王永利,轴对称结构拓扑变化重分析的新方法, 吉林大学学报(工学版),vol.36,pp26-29(2006.3).EI)

    23. 王树范,梁平,轴对称结构拓扑变化重分析的 一种新方法,装甲兵技术学院学报,Vol.3, P6-8(2005.3).

    24. 王树范,李忠范,梁平,轴对称支座拓扑变化公式,吉林大学学报(工学版),Vol.35,(2005.11).

    25. 梁平,桁架结构拓扑修改的广义逆方法,吉林大学学报(工学版)Vol. 33, pp 261-262 (2003.8).

    26. 张旭莉, 梁平, 陈塑寰, 求解结构特征对的改进矢量逆迭代法,吉林工业大学自然科学学报, Vol.30, No.4, pp48-49(2000).

    27. 梁平,张旭莉,陈塑寰, 平面刚架结构支座变化公式,吉林工业大学自然科学学报,Vol.30, No.2, pp76-78(2000).

    28. 梁平,陈塑寰,组合结构的拓扑变化法,力学应用与研究,pp33-35(1999).

    29. Su Huan Chen, Ping Liang, Xiao Niu Li, M-P inverse Method of Topological Variation of Frame Structures, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol.25, No.3, pp361-370(1998) . (SCI, EI)

    30. Su Huan Chen, Ping Liang, Wan Zhi Han, A new method of sensitivity analysis of static responses for finite element systems, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 29, pp187-203(1998) . (SCI, EI)

    31. Chen Su Huan , Liang Ping, Han Wan Zhi , M-P inverse Topological Variation Method of Finite Element Structures, Applied Mathematics and mechanics, Vol. 19, No.3, pp289-301(1998) . (SCI, EI)

    32. 刘昕晖,陈塑寰,梁平,具有聚苯胺高分子体系电流变流体的静力学性能,吉林工业大学学报(学术榜),Vol.28, No.2, pp46-50(1998).

    33. Ping Liang, Su Huan Chen, Cheng Huang,More-Penrose Inverse Method of Topological Variation of Finite Element Systems, Computers & Structures, Vol.62, No.2, pp 243-251(1997). (SCI,  EI)

    34. 梁平, 陈塑寰, 刘昕晖,平面刚架结构拓扑变化公式,吉林工业大学学报(学术榜), Vol. 27, No. 3, pp34-37(1997).

    35. 陈塑寰,关鹏,梁平,复合材料对称层合板特征值问题的灵敏度分析,复合材料学报,Vol.13,No.3,pp87-92(1996).(EI

    36. Liang Ping, Wang Gang, A formula for calculating the M-P inverse of a matrix by using Greville’s partitioning of matrices, Proceedings of the Second China Matrix Theory and Its Applications,p148, August 12-16(1996).

    37. 曹政,栾成,梁平,求线性规划基本可行解的旋转变换法, 大连大学学报No.3(2009.3).

    38. 张相斌,宋晓琳,梁平 面向企业最优生产计划的线性规划广义逆优化模型, 系统正规赌博平台理论与实践Vol.27,No.6(2007.6).

    39. 温泳,杨荣,孟广伟,梁平,斜支座拓扑变化公式,吉林大学学报(理学版)Vol.45, No.6(2007.11).

    40. Yunfu Huo, Lin Ma, Xiangbin Zhang, Ping Liang, Inverse Optimization for Resources Allocation of Information Services in IMC, Fourth International Conference on Innovative computing,Information and Control(2009).(EI)




    作者:  编辑:王旭  (点击: )


